It is OK to retreat, seek solace and regeneration: Sonya Philip

Artist and sewing pattern maker Sonya Philip, from San Francisco in the United States, said she is equal parts stressed and relaxed at this time of global pandemic.

‘’I have always had homebody tendencies so it is not a struggle to stay home but on the other hand, I miss not having coffee with friends. There is also sadness seeing visits and plans, and teaching being cancelled and crossed off the calendar.“

‘’We are making do with what we have, being thankful for what we do have, rather than always thinking we need to have everything at our fingertips.” Click on the arrow to listen to our conversation. Read the notes below, or visit Sonya’s 100 Acts of Sewing website for more information. See other ARISING from Distruption stories here

What Sonya Philip said:

“I’m equal parts stressed and relaxed. The news (about coronavirus) and the lack of response in the US is stressful. I have always had homebody tendencies so it is not a struggle to stay home but on the other hand, I miss not having coffee with friends. There is also sadness seeing visits and plans, and teaching being cancelled and crossed off the calendar.“

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