Niche, nimble and natural

Coronavirus is a catalyst for change. The world has shrunk and supply chains are under threat at this time of global disruption. Local manufacturing is coming into its own, and being niche, nimble and natural are key ingredients for success, says Kerrie Richards from Merino Country.

“We are people of action, and actions speak louder than words. It is not who you are, it is what you do and how you make a difference in the world,” Kerrie says.

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Find your purpose: Kerrie Richards

This is #2 in our ARISING from Disruption conversations about adaptation, resourcefulness and self-sufficiency at this time of global pandemic. 2019 Churchill Fellow Jane Milburn is chatting to Kerrie Richards from Merino Country, in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia who said the business is pivoting to focus on face mask production and ”using what we have, to make things happen”.  More notes below.  

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